उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार   GOVERNMENT OF UTTAR PRADESH
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गावो भगो गाव इन्द्रो मे अच्छान्गावः सोमस्य प्रथमस्य भक्षः ।
इमा या गावः स जनास इन्द्र इच्छामीद्धृदा मनसा चिदिन्द्रम् ॥५॥
ऋग्वेदः - मण्डल ६ , सूक्तं ६.२८ , बार्हस्पत्यो भरद्वाजः

- अर्थात् -

" गायें हमारा मुख्य धन हो, इन्द्र हमें गोधन प्रदान करें तथा यज्ञों की प्रधान वस्तु सोमरस के साथ मिलकर गायों का दूध ही उनका नैवेध बने। जिसके पास ये गायें है,
वह तो एक प्रकार से इन्द्र ही है। मैं अपने श्रद्धायुक्त मन से गव्य पदार्थों के इन्द्र (भगवान) का भजन करना चाहता हूँ। "

Livestock rearing is common and an integral component of state agriculture supporting livelihood of more than two-thirds of the rural population. Animals provide nutrient-rich food products, draught power, dung as organic manure and domestic fuel, hides & skin, and are a regular source of cash income for rural households. They are a natural capital, which can be easily reproduced to act as a living bank with offspring as interest, and an insurance against income shocks of crop failure and natural calamities.

Uttar Pradesh is endowed with large livestock populations in all districts across the state. Livestock population Cattle-190.20 lakh, Buffaloes-330.17 lakh Sheep- 9.85 lakh Goats-144.80 lakh, Pigs 4.09 lakh, Poultry 125.25 lakh as per 2019 Census. Livestock is germane to farming systems in Uttar Pradesh, the most preponderant farming system is mixed crop-livestock-farming. Over 85 per cent of all economic species of livestock and desi poultry are owned by the small holder group (marginal and small farmers along with the landless). The marginal farmers constitute the core livestock production sector in the state. The livestock sector is extremely livelihood intensive with over 70 per cent of all rural households owning livestock of some species or other, often a mix of several and livestock provides more than half of the total household income for marginal farmers and the landless who own livestock.

about us

The objectives of the department are to increase milk, egg and meat production , improve breeding coverage, conservation and propagation of indigenous livestock breeds, 100% vaccination coverage, strengthen veterinary health care with promotion of mobile veterinary services at farmer’s doorstep, minimize the gap of availability and requirement, promote poultry sector, to promote livestock security in the farm of livestock insurance, promote small ruminant for additional income generation. Besides the above the department is also instrumental in conservation of destitute govansh and rehabilitation, health management etc.

The use of male cow calves now at minimal requirement to farmers because of heavy mechanization in the agriculture. Besides that the low yielding cow which are non-profitable are burden on farmers to rear. Because of that the cow and its progeny are not being liking by farmers to rear therefore, the farmers free them as destitute cow. These destitute govansh are creating menace to farmers and are cause of road accident too. In context to that the state Government promulgated the policy for temporary establishment of gaushalas and their management vide GO # 4324/37-2-2018-5(53)/2018 Dated January 2nd ,2019. The objective was to address the burning issue of destitute cattle in villages, local bodies , Gram panchayat , Shetra panchayat , Jila Panchayat and Municipal Corporations in the State . The policy directives were issued vide GO # 261/37-2-2019-5(53)/18 Dated 28 Jan ‘2019 /January 2nd 2019 according to which guidelines were issued regarding creation of temporary establishments for destitute cattle . These directives laid out the following –

  Definition of destitute cattle

  Activities related to establishment of temporary establishment for destitute cattle

  Identification of land and its transfer for such establishments

  To make the identified land suitable for use

  Arrangement for drinking water, Lighting , security , Veterinary care ,Feed & Fodder ,Housing and environment , Flooring ,treatment

  Arrangement of taking care of the calf/calves, labour , record keeping , documentation

  Formulation of process after the uneventful death of any animal

  Arrangement for making the gaushalas self-sustainable and financially viable

  Arrangement for sale /handover of such livestock to local farmers

  Arrangement of budget for upkeep of such animals housed in gaushalas

  Procedure and action for ensuring that animals are not left out as destitute

These directives are a noble initiative taken by the State Government towards effective management of such gaushalas The State Government has made adequate financial provisions ( Income and expense ) for the establishment , management and operations of such temporary establishments for the first time in the country .No efforts were made by the erstwhile Governments for conservation of such destitute cattle .

The Government is extremely sensitive towards this initiative and is actively monitoring the activities and the progress. Currently, the farmers have received a big relief due to rehabilitation of destitute cattle and this initiative is being further strengthened with active participation from fellow inhabitants of the village. Cattle are integral to the society and it should not be viewed from the political dimensions. Different Departments of the State are working to ensure effective conservation of the destitute cattle.


Sr. No. 
1 उ.प्र. गोवध निवारण (संशोधन) अधिनियम जुलाई 2020  
2 उ.प्र. गोवध निवारण (संशोधन) अधिनियम जून 2020  
3 उ.प्र. गोवध निवारण (संशोधन) अधिनियम 2002  
4 उ0प्र0 गोवध निवारण नियमावली 1964  
5 उ.प्र. गोवध निवारण अधिनियम 1955  
6 उ0प्र0 गोशाला अधिनियम 1964  
7 उ.प्र. गोशाला नियमावली 1964  
8 पशुओ के प्रति क्रूरता निवारण अधिनियम के अंतर्गत पशुओ के परिवहन संबंधी नियमो का परिपालन  
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Sr. No. 
Circular No. 
1 1854/33-3-2022-5913/2019निराश्रित गोवंश / दुर्घटनाग्रस्त बड़े पशुओ को परिवहन हेतु कैटल कैचर / मल्टी परपज वाहन की व्यवस्था किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में 08/03/2022  
2 1462/37-2-2022-5(53)18 टी.सी -2 प्रदेश में स्थापित गो आश्रय स्थलों के निरीक्षण HS रोग टीकाकरण , बाद/सूखा प्रबंधन तथा पशुपालन विभाग द्वारा संचालित अन्य योजनाओ की समीक्षा एवं भौतिक सत्यापन हेतु विभागीय नोडल अधिकारियो का 2-7 अगस्त के मध्य भ्रमण कार्यक्रम 08/02/2022  
3 1373/37-2-2022-5(53)/20181 TC-1गो आश्रय स्थलों के संचालन एवं भरण पोषण अनुदान से सम्बंधित शासनादेश दिनांक 11 फरवरी 2019 में निहित प्रक्रिया के सरलीकरण के सम्बन्ध में 29/07/2022  
4 1347/33-3-2022गो आश्रय स्थल के निराश्रित गोवंश के भरण पोषण हेतु विद्यमान गैप की प्रतिपूर्ति के सम्बन्ध में 07/03/2022  
5 822/37-2-2022-5(53)/2018TC-1निराश्रित गोवंश के अध्यावधिक आकलन एवं 31 दिसम्बर 2022 तक शत प्रतिशत संरक्षित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में 06/01/2022  
6 768/सैतीस-2 -2022-5(53)/2018TC-1निराश्रित गोवंश आश्रय स्थलों हेतु भूसा संग्रहण में तेज़ी लाने के सम्बन्ध में 20/06/2022  
7 674/सैतीस-2 -202255(53)/18TC-2प्रदेश में संरक्षित निराश्रित/बेसहारा गोवंश के भरण-पोषण हेतु दान के माध्यम से भूसा संग्रहण के सम्बन्ध में 05/04/2022  
8 01/सैतीस-2-2021-5(53)/18टीसी -2निराश्रित/बेसहारा गोवंशो को आश्रय स्थलों में संरक्षित किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में दिशा निर्देश 01/01/2022  
9 1752/नौ -7-2021-41(ज)@2021 नगरीय निकायों में निराश्रित /बेसहारा गोवंश के संरक्षण के सम्बन्ध में 15/12/2021  
10 2065/सैतीस-2-2021-5(53)/18टीसी प्रदेश में दिनांक 25-10-2021 से 30-10-2021 तक "गोवंश संरक्षण एवं सुरक्षा सप्ताह" का आयोजन किये जाने के सम्बन्ध में 23/10/2021  
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Govansh In GAS
No of Go-Ashray Sthal
0K ha
No of Gochar Land
No of Sahabhagi